Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The iPad 4 announced!
This new iPad 4 has been called the iPad 3S because there is not much difference in the iPad 3&4 the only differences are that the iPad 4 will feature the a new A6X processor instead of the iPad 3's A5X processor and that it will feature the new lightning port adapter.
More news on the iPad mini *UPDATED*
Sometime yesterday there was an announcement on the iPad mini saying that a possible release date for it will be 10/23/12 (this is not an official release date as of right now). Now seven inch tablets are nothing new they have been around for a while now Apple is just now making a possible debut into that seven inch tablet market with the iPad mini. Prices will range from the 250 USD mark to the 350 (maybe even 400 USD) mark depending on what size capacity and specs you desire. I personally (if I by some miracle can afford his thing) will be getting one.
The original 250 USD price for the baseline model has been upped to 349 USD
Also Apple recently released the video showing the iPad mini here it is:
The original 250 USD price for the baseline model has been upped to 349 USD
Also Apple recently released the video showing the iPad mini here it is:
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
RIP Dan Wheldon
One year ago today (10/16/11) the fameous racer Dan Wheldon passed. R.I.P.
More news on the iPad mini
Sometime yesterday there was an announcement on the iPad mini saying that a possible release date for it will be 10/23/12 (this is not an official release date as of right now). Now seven inch tablets are nothing new they have been around for a while now Apple is just now making a possible debut into that seven inch tablet market with the iPad mini. Prices will range from the 250 USD mark to the 350 (maybe even 400 USD) mark depending on what size capacity and specs you desire. I personally (if I by some miracle can afford his thing) will be getting one.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Orange Mod Works announcement!!!!
A few days ago Orange Mod Works announced the official shipping date for their heavily delayed Longshot kits on their Facebook page the shipping date will be (subject to change) on: 12/4/2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Sonic series Praxis on the Toys "R" Us website
Today I was randomly browsing around on the Toys R' Us website and I saw that they had the Sonic series Praxis finally listed! A link will be here: Sonic series Praxis at Toys R' Us
A look at the Nerf Elite Pinpoint sight
Apparently someone has gotten their hands on an Elite Pinpoint sight before it official release (hmm
mm I have not seen that happen before) anyway I will have some more pictures after the jump.
mm I have not seen that happen before) anyway I will have some more pictures after the jump.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
It is official Jerm has quit Nerf
Lately there has been some speculation about Jerm the famous Nerf modder's disappearance and I am here to clear all of that speculation up.
About six months ago a blog known as Universal Nerf announced that they were merging with the popular blog NM&R (Nerf Mods And Reviews) a little while after the announcemt of merging I noticed that Jerm had stopped posting to NM&R and the authors from over at Universal Nerf (Bazookafied, Triangle, and Jetcell) had been doing the posting. One day I flagged Bazookafied down (A person who has been posing to NM&R) in the chat box on NM&R and I simply asked him: Where did Jerm go? He offered this answer: He is simply taking a break from Nerf. I accepted that answer in hope that Jerm would return. He did not. A week ago I remembered that I still had Jerm's email address.(No I will not give it out to anyone) So I sent him an email saying this: There has been some speculation that you have quit Nerf and I was wanting to clear everything up. Have you really quit Nerf? A day after I sent him that email he replied back saying: Yes I have moved on. I then emailed him back asking: Will you come back to doing Nerf? His answer was: I doubt it. Bazookafied also helped confirm Jerm's departure from Nerf on his blog Tactical Tag saying this: I know there's a slight concern out there from folks who have seen NM&R's activity take a massive dip with Jerm's departure from the hobby as he ::gasp:: refocuses his time on more important things in life. I consider this to be a serious loss for the Nerfing community. How do you feel about this?
Red Text = Me (Nerflover)
Green Text = Bazookafied
Blue Text = Jerm
About six months ago a blog known as Universal Nerf announced that they were merging with the popular blog NM&R (Nerf Mods And Reviews) a little while after the announcemt of merging I noticed that Jerm had stopped posting to NM&R and the authors from over at Universal Nerf (Bazookafied, Triangle, and Jetcell) had been doing the posting. One day I flagged Bazookafied down (A person who has been posing to NM&R) in the chat box on NM&R and I simply asked him: Where did Jerm go? He offered this answer: He is simply taking a break from Nerf. I accepted that answer in hope that Jerm would return. He did not. A week ago I remembered that I still had Jerm's email address.(No I will not give it out to anyone) So I sent him an email saying this: There has been some speculation that you have quit Nerf and I was wanting to clear everything up. Have you really quit Nerf? A day after I sent him that email he replied back saying: Yes I have moved on. I then emailed him back asking: Will you come back to doing Nerf? His answer was: I doubt it. Bazookafied also helped confirm Jerm's departure from Nerf on his blog Tactical Tag saying this: I know there's a slight concern out there from folks who have seen NM&R's activity take a massive dip with Jerm's departure from the hobby as he ::gasp:: refocuses his time on more important things in life. I consider this to be a serious loss for the Nerfing community. How do you feel about this?
Red Text = Me (Nerflover)
Green Text = Bazookafied
Blue Text = Jerm
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Apple's IOS 6 update is missing something....
Yesterday Apple officially released iOS 6.0.0 to the public and when it was released many people updated their iPhones, iPads and iPod touches. When they updated they noticed that something was missing: The popular iOS YouTube app. Read more After the Jump
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Portal's Nintendo 3DS XL review!
A good friend of mine Portal has gotten his hands on a new Nintendo 3DS watch the video after the jump
iPhone five size comparison test
A very recognized YouTuber: EverythingApplePro has gotten his hands on a dummy of the new iPhone 5 see the video after the jump.
The WiiU info video
Nintendo has made a video that has some new and updated news on the WiiU see the video after the jump
NaS Rename
Nerf and Stuff is being renamed to suit the electronic and gaming side of the blog as well as the Nerf side of the blog the new name as you my have already seen on the banner ^ is Electric Nerf and Stuff. However the blog URL will remain the same.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Is it just a rumor: The iPad mini
More info and pics after the jump
Nerf Recon Stock Mod by jds8585 :P
1st. Take apart the clip holder
2nd. Pull the safety pins out of the stock that holds it to the connector piece, ( there are 2 of them, i would use a hammer and small screwdriver, i used a rock and a thumbtack... maybe some pliers )
3rd. Get a fury fire cylinder/turret ( experiment with different turrets/ cylinders. ex: barricade cylinder, spectre cylinder, maverick cylinder etc...)
4th. Slide the cylinder/turret on the BOTTOM rod of the recon stock
5th. In the clip holder, there is a piece of plastic the goes in the hole on the recon stock, snap that piece of plastic off and slide the top guide hole onto the bottom rod on the stock, holding the turret/ cylinder in place
6th. When your done it should look like this ( maybe with a different cylinder)and it should still hold clips.
2nd. Pull the safety pins out of the stock that holds it to the connector piece, ( there are 2 of them, i would use a hammer and small screwdriver, i used a rock and a thumbtack... maybe some pliers )
3rd. Get a fury fire cylinder/turret ( experiment with different turrets/ cylinders. ex: barricade cylinder, spectre cylinder, maverick cylinder etc...)
4th. Slide the cylinder/turret on the BOTTOM rod of the recon stock
5th. In the clip holder, there is a piece of plastic the goes in the hole on the recon stock, snap that piece of plastic off and slide the top guide hole onto the bottom rod on the stock, holding the turret/ cylinder in place
6th. When your done it should look like this ( maybe with a different cylinder)and it should still hold clips.
- jds8585 Happy modding : )
Nerf Elite Stockade for sale on eBay
More info after the jump
There is a lot of new Nerf and Electronic stuff to be released to the public in the following months I will have a list of the new stuff that I know about along with pictures after the jump
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Nerf word search
Today I was playing around online and found a way to make a NERF word search so I did there is a link here WARNING: Due to the large amount of Nerf blasters this is a big puzzle and will take some time to complete.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
New Nerf Products? *UPDATED*
Recently there has been some sightings for new Nerf blasters. Like the Nerf Elite Strongarm and the sonic vortex treatment. For more info and pictures of these new (but not yet confirmed) blasters please click read more.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
One of the best Youtube video series I have ever seen!
So this is a video series called Cardboard Warfare so far there are only three videos in this series and all of them are very well done.
Watch the videos after the jump
Saturday, July 7, 2012
New content
Hi guys so there is some new content on the Christian music videos 1 and I decided that the original Christian music video page has gotten so big that I should add a second one and so I have!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Lego Minecraft
Here is something I have been waiting for: A Lego Minecraft set. According to Lego's main website they have come out with a Lego Minecraft set. There is a link to the product page here. Sadly there is only one Minecraft set in the series and only one pic:
The Set price is 34.99 USD and includes two characters: Steve and a Creeper. Here is Lego's description for the set: Build a mini model of the game that's sweeping the Internet with a LEGO® microbuild version of Minecraft! Selected by LEGO CUUSOO members, this build features a cool design with lots of 1x1 LEGO tiles and 2 buildable Micromob characters: Steve and Creeper.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Nerf Elite Prices
Well finally Hasbro has decided to show the Nerf Elite prices to the public along with the prices and images for some new Elite accessory stuff to find the prices click here
Monday, June 18, 2012
Nerf Dart Tad Snapfire 8
Well it looks like the new Snapfire 8 has been released in Singapore and our friends over at SGnerf have picked it up well here is what they had to say:
The Snapfire 8 is a compact semi-auto blaster with an 8-shot auto rotating turret. Its semi-auto feature is based on a trigger pull-to-prime and firing system, therefore it does not require motors or batteries to operate.
It also has a unique method of allowing users to tune the power, this is done by adjusting the tuning knob at the bottom of the blaster handle. It can be tuned for more "Speed" (easier to pull the trigger, but less range) or more "Power" (more effort required to pull the trigger, but longer range). An indicator on the side of the trigger handle shows the speed/power levels.
Note that in both mode settings, the trigger requires strength to pull (especially in the "Power" mode setting). Users with weaker finger strength may find it an extra challenge to use.
The blaster comes packaged with 8 x Tagger foam darts.
Average stock range is around 25-30ft (in "Speed" mode) or 35-40ft (in "Power"mode).
Click here for the full post along with more pics
for internal pics click here
Elite and Pyragon Review videos released!
Wow I have been waiting to see about the new Hail-fire and Pyragon and I am sure you have too so I have included the links below:
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Nerf Elite for Gaming?!
Nerf once again has combined my two favorite things! Nerf And gaming systems!
To read the full story click the link here
To read the full story click the link here
Sonic And Vortex
I an sure we have all thought this strange idea: Mixing N-strike and vortex.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Nas conversion
Hi I know that thee have been very few recent posts on this blog for that I sorry. But today I have some cool news from this point forward Nas is going to be a video game site with game reviews and stuff. A I will also be posting about nerf as new things come out. so be on the lookout for some changes!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Today a huge icon in automotive history has passed on his name was Carol Shelby. With that being said lets move on to some better news. This post is the 100th post on this blog thanks from all of the support! A big thanks to a nerfer known by the name Portal for helping me jumpstart this blog!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The Urban Taggers disapperance
Hi guys as some of you may know the popular nerf blog Urban Taggers had been shut down due to Hasbro but now they have been temporaraly been put back online to post the story on their dissapperance a link is provided ti that post below this post will only be avalible to the public temporarly so check it out as soon as possible!!
The Urban Taggers Story
The Urban Taggers Story
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Okay sooooo there is some new content on the Christian videos page so be sure to check it out
Also sorry for the lack of posts i'm rot really an in the know guy.. I just wanted you guys to know it is my goal to reach as many people and tell then about Christ as possible so there will still be some Nerf posts on here but there will also be a lot of christian content also!!
Also sorry for the lack of posts i'm rot really an in the know guy.. I just wanted you guys to know it is my goal to reach as many people and tell then about Christ as possible so there will still be some Nerf posts on here but there will also be a lot of christian content also!!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Nerf longshot review
First off just for every Nerf fan out there that does not know this info this blaster is no longer sold in the US.
The good
1. It reaches incredible ranges when modded
2. I has extra clip storage in the stock
3. It can fit any barrel attachment
4. It has a tactical rail
The bad
1. It does not have great rate of fire
2. Its heavy
3. When the front gun attachment is on the dart goes nowhere
The Ugly
Like I said this blaster is no longer available in the US (So for everyone that does not live in the US lucky you)

The blue version^
The yellow version^
And finally my personal favorite the rare Red Series longshot^
The good
1. It reaches incredible ranges when modded
2. I has extra clip storage in the stock
3. It can fit any barrel attachment
4. It has a tactical rail
The bad
1. It does not have great rate of fire
2. Its heavy
3. When the front gun attachment is on the dart goes nowhere
The Ugly
Like I said this blaster is no longer available in the US (So for everyone that does not live in the US lucky you)
The blue version^
The yellow version^
And finally my personal favorite the rare Red Series longshot^
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
New author
Hi Nerflover here to give a warm welcome to our new author: wickednerfer welcome to the crew!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Nerf rayven review
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Nerf rayven review (2)
As you know portal just did a review on the rayven but now it's time for mine!
Hope you like it!
So 2 start I'll just say it's an awesome gun but the power is kinda weak.
The good things.
1.The clip holds a lot of ammo.
2.It has a front attachment piece.
3.The dart's glow.
4.It has a lot of tac rails.
5.It's semi auto.
6. The clip works in any clip system Nerf gun.
The good/bad things.
1.It's flywheel
The bad things.
1.The power of it is weak stock.
Here's some pic's!
The left side.
The right side.
Front view.
A dart flap before the flywheels
maybe for cleaning the darts?
-Leave a comment on what you think it does-
Inside the magwell.
The battery cover.
I use 1.5 rechargeable battery's.
You can't see it but there's purple in the front.
Dart's glow WAY better than in this pic.
And that's my Nerf rayven review!
Nas site update
Like I have said I have been working on the site and it is coming along nicely here is another link: Nas info site Thanks!
Monday, February 20, 2012
I apologize
I am sorry that I have not been doing many posts lately because I have been incredibly busy plus im broke so I cant but any new blasters or modding materials :(....BUT WAIT I am currently making a Nerf video series for NaS and I am working on a secret Nerf modding project so stay tuned for that!!! also a little while back I said I was working on an nas info site well im still working on that its coming soon!!!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
New Author: BullsEyeNerf
Hey guys, this is BullsEyeNerf, a new author here at Nerf and Stuff. I mod nerf blasters, give reviews, and make homemades. I love doing LED circuits in blasters and am glad to be a member of this blog.
My youtube account:
Check it out :)
I'm back again!
As the title Say's I'm back temporally. I just wana help nerflover out for a while I really don't like 2 see blogs die anyways look out for some of my post here!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Nerf longshot Review
In my opinion the Longshot is an awesome blaster once modded. Unmodified it touches ranges of 15 to 20 feet with a slight upward angle modded it reaches ranges of 40 to 50 feet with an upward angle. It is a big and bulky blaster it is great is you want to be a sniper in a war, but otherwise I would not recommend it for other people though. From the store it includes two clips a scope and a front gun attachment. It is a hard blaster to mod but to help I will post a mod guide later in the month. By: Nerflover (Blog Owner)
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Once- A month posts
As title says I will be doing once a month posts
P.S. I have added a music page so please go check it out. Thanks!
P.S. I have added a music page so please go check it out. Thanks!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Urban taggers has the Lumitron!
(This is a copy of the article on UN)

Well, they have been saying "N-Strike vs Vortex" for quite some time; to accompany/rival the much anticipated N-Strike Rayven CS-18, Nerf have released the new Vortex "Lumitron" as part of their new "Light It Up" series. Unlike the Rayven which was a completely new blaster design, the Lumitron is essentially a repainted Vortex Praxis, only with an all new "Firefly tech" 10 round clip and sans stock. Given we've already reviewed the Praxis, this review will on the whole be a pic spam bar a few comments, but I've gone nuts with the ol' camera, so enjoy the photos!
As far as the actual blaster is concerned, other than the paint job, the blaster is pretty much identical to the Praxis. The only differing part is the name plate, that says "Lumitron" rather than "Praxis"; this is raised and part of the plastic btw so they'd have had to alter the mould slightly to accommodate this. Other than that, we've all examined it carefully and it's the same blaster. That being said, I MUCH prefer the Lumitron's colour scheme- though it's a personal preference thing:)
On to the discs. They pretty much look and feel the same as the traditional XLR green discs, only the centres are a translucent/clear plastic and the discs themselves are a white foam. The foam has been treated with glow in the dark material, but only at the top of the foam, not the full disc. The inner ring can also glow in the dark, but it appears to only glow on the underside rather than the top.
The main draw card to the Lumitron is the new Firefly tech clip. It's a 10 round clip, but size wise it's similar to the 20 round clip of the Nitron. The reason for the added size is to accommodate the batteries- 4AA batteries to be exact. Just like with the Rayven CS-18, there's a switch on the side of the clip that turns on a blue light that shoots through the tube and exposes the discs to a blue LED.
The interior of the clip uses clear plastic, to allow for the light to shine through down the shaft.
Now, just a few pics of various combos because I don't really need to get into performances as they're very much the same as the Praxis:)

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Lumitron obviously takes the standard Vortex clips too. |
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Clip works with all Vortex blasters, making them "Light it up" |
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The name plate of the Praxis- raised. |
Lumitron's are due out in March, but no doubt they'll be out earlier than that. I personally like it over the Praxis because of the colour scheme and the Firefly clip is tough. I also prefer my Praxis sans stock anyway, so this is a good alternative. Depending on the cost, I'd recommend it, although I am a tad disappointed Nerf took the easy way out and did a repaint rather than create something new and awesome. Ahh well.:P
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