I'll start off by saying what I think of it and first impressions.My first couple shots were at the closet door through my grandparents hallway. Those shots hit the door and still hadn't dropped. The hallway was 20 feet atleast. I thought to myself " This thing is pretty powerful!" I have range tested it now barely modded ( only range test I have ) against my fairly modded maverick and they both shoot the same.I think of the Tek 6 as one of my favorites. Really like it and might be going into my recon.Not something you'd put into a longshot and there aren't many documented mods for it. Only bad thing about it for me is an uncomfortable handle. Honestly I'd buy this one if I were you and had some spare cash. Great blaster but uncomfortable. I'd give this one a 3 out of 5 . It's got for me good range but the handle is uncomfortable. Later there will be an easy mod for this. So for now this is Portal_K signing out.