The Nerf Barricade had some different origins then those such as the alphatrooper. The Barricade is known as the secret-not-so-secret blaster. First found out about from taobao.com and sgnerf, it soon was speculated on. When Urbantaggers got one we got all our general info. It's a flywheel blaster. Yep,flywheels. Those noisy,battery operated, spinning things. Of course everyone hates them because of how noisy they are, but I'm surprised the Barricade hasn't gotten much recognitition. Sure it's flywheels,but it's got 10 semi-auto shots to fire off. Put a stock and a sight on it and it can be your semi-auto assault rifle,a recon replacement maybe. I've even heard of voltage mods too. I haven't done any but I've heard they're simple and effective. Of course that makes it louder but you get better range. I've even seen it integrated into a Longshot. I've heard of people saying it could possibly go in a Stampede. See,not so bad now is it? You can even make it clip fed. So now you see how one of the supposedly worst blasters is quite great. I rate it a 4 out of 5 because of how you can use it and what you can use it for. I am sure later I'll have up a review of the Buzzbee Ultimate Rapid Blast for comparison later. For now this is Portal signing out.